They shall grow not old - Laurence Binyon, 1869 - 1943
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
From Laurence Binyon's poem For the Fallen, written in September 1914
Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason. Pythagoras.
He believed that numbers have energies. Thus if you connect to a particular set of numbers it is not just to their mathematical form but also their energetic frequency. The universe is a form of geometric patterns exhibiting itself through numbers.
In the study of numerology 11 is known as a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. A number of personal power, leadership and truth.
11.11 events
11am and 11pm, on the 11th day of the 11th month (November) of 2011,
we were inspired to acknowledge the symbolic energies of these numbers.
This energy has reverberated on through the following years, with the 11.11 often appearing and inspiring our lives individually and as a group.
All are welcome to revisit the energies of this event on the Hill of Tara on 2011. You may like to connect anytime at 11am and or 11pm your local time wherever you are for 11 minutes.
On 11th November in 2020 M and D visited the Holy Well on Tara during the daytime and several of us linked together again at 11pm.
11th November 2011 - Hill of Tara
During the Morning we drew a phi spiral on the hillside, read out the Great Invocation, Ohmed and meditated in silence for 11 minutes at 11:11am.
Then we ended with a poem from environmentalist John Seed called Invocation to Gaia.
The Great Invocation first used in 1945 as a World Prayer by Alice Bailey. From the point of Light within the Mind of God let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men – The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men let the Plan of Love and Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. |
During the evening at
11:11pm we went to the well under a radiant moon, gathered a jug of
water (Age of Pisces) and meditated in silence for 11 minutes with
water as our spirit of Gaia representative, then we read the poem "The Great Turning",
followed by placing our hands on our heart and turning to each person
in the group praying "my heart to your heart" and then the group
collectively touched their hearts and touched the ground saying the same
thing to Gaia.
The Great Turning About You’ve asked me to tell you of the Great Turning of how we saved the world from disaster. The answer is both simple and complex. We turned. For hundreds of years we had turned away as life on earth grew more precarious. We turned away from the homeless men on the streets, the stench from the river, the children orphaned in Iraq, the mothers dying of AIDS in Africa. We turned away because that was what we had been taught. To turn away, from our pain, from the hurt in another’s eyes, from the drunken father, from the friend betrayed. Always we were told, in actions louder than words, to turn away, turn away. And so we became a lonely people caught up in a world moving too quickly, too mindlessly toward its own demise. Until it seemed as if there was no safe space to turn. No place, inside or out, that did not remind us of fear or terror, despair and loss, anger and grief. Yet, on one of those days, someone did turn. Turned to face the pain. Turned to face the stranger. Turned to look at the smouldering world and the hatred seething in too many eyes. Turned to face himself, herself. And then another turned. And another. And another. And as they wept, they took each other’s hands. Until whole groups of people were turning. Young and old, gay and straight. People of all colours, all nations, all religions. Turning not only to the pain and hurt but to beauty, gratitude and love. Turning to one another with forgiveness and a longing for peace in their hearts. At first, the turning made people dizzy, even silly. There were people standing to the side, gawking, criticizing, trying to knock the turners down. But the people turning kept getting up, kept helping one another to their feet. Their laughter and kindness brought others into the turning circle until even the nay-sayers began to smile and sway. As the people turned, they began to spin, reweaving the web of life, mending the shocking tears, knitting it back together with the colours of the earth, sewing on tiny mirrors so the beauty of each person, each creature, each plant, each life might be seen and respected. And as the people turned, as they spun like the earth through the universe. The web wrapped around them like a soft baby blanket making it clear all were loved, nothing separate. As this love reached into every crack and crevice, the people began to wake and wonder, to breath and give thanks. To celebrate together. And so the world was saved, but only as long as you, too, sweet one, remember to turn — Christine Fry 19th October 19, 2004 *Thanks to Joanna Macy, American Buddhist activist and a beloved teacher, for this phrase |
The jug of water was then passed to each who infused their love and gratitude into the water. Then the participants were asked to bless their feet with the water that they may walk in love and light.
Mary anointed the gates forming an 11 and blessed the road we were to travel. She then poured all the water we did not use back into the well (Age of Aquarius) and we ended the ceremony.
Our thanks to all who took part in love and light.
11.11.2020 today. Written by Molly Rice - Earth Deva
11:11 - when the 11s are seen together the 11:11 becomes a gateway/portal opening, a way of symbolizing
"" Heaven coming to Earth"".
Whenever the 11:11 is seen, it's an opportunity!!
It symbolically acts as a reminder be present in that moment, that one NOW moment!
So take that one minute to hold and focus your dreams in your heart! be courageous!
Affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of LOVE which offer a wondrous moment of ascending and breaking free from old patterns and programs...
choose to create New.... humanity is evolving.... we are in the midst of this evolution....
choose to create new!!
brightest of blessings, courage to create new and evolve...
hugs of love, earth deva/molly
Divine Gateway
Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth. St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 – 430)
It is said that a portal between heaven and earth is open in the three months from 11th November to 11th January. They are also known as the Divine Trinity.
During this time opportunities can be activated and acted on. We are aware that all transformation begins with the individual and that the only limitations are those imposed by ourselves. We each have the ability to tap into our creative selves and this portal aids in tapping into our extended selves in whichever realms we believe we exist.
Spiritual Message
Many sense that the angelic realms and often more specifically their guardian angel or spiritual guide is trying to attract our attention by causing the universal energies to display these numbers on clocks, pages of books, vehicle number plates, temperature gauges, etc. They are reminding that they are present and, if asked, may assist us in our lives.
It may be a confirmation that we are on the right path or we may be nudged to address something, a situation, relationship, opportunity, that needs the energies of creation and manifestation.
Many say to wish on the 11.11 when seen can be a blessing and the wish enhanced by the numerology. What you sense intuitively at seeing the numbers, your 'gut feeling' is a guidance for possibilities present at this moment. It is often a 'wake up' call and a sign of good luck.
Remembrance of those passed
The Annual Remembrance Days around the world have developed into more than a military event to remember those who died in the 1st World War. Nowadays each year we honour soldiers, sailors, airmen, civilians, and others who fought or acted to protect the ideals of their country. We remember the great and the good who have acted in their nations best interest.
Personally we acknowledge our own family and friends who have passed. We have an opportunity to reflect on all those yesterdays, when we were together, and also bring to mind what we are each creating now that will become our tomorrows.
By focussing on those passed we are reminded that there is a link between the mortal and immortal. We can step beyond our earth bound bodies and become aware of our soul.
1st World War armistice
The Armistice between the Allies and Germany was signed at Le Francport near Compiègne, on 11th November 1918. This ended the last fighting on land, sea and air after similar armistices had been agreed with Bulgaria, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires. Fighting continued up to 11 o'clock, with 2,738 men dying on the last day of the war.
However, peace was not formally confirmed until 4:15 p.m. on 10 January 1920 at the Paris Peace Conference. The conference came to an end on 21 January 1920 with the inaugural General Assembly of the League of Nations.
11.11 in 2023
Samhain ceremonies October / November are closed. What is done, is done. With every ending comes a new beginning. We now make way for new opportunities and energies to enter our lives.
11am 11th November 2023 - A chance to join in with others across the earth to remember those past and to link with the 11.11 winter gateway in whatever way feels helpful for the highest good of all beings. We connect to the fibonacci spiral - a map for spiritual growth.
Place one hand on your belly and the other over your heart. Slowly count to eleven two times. Breathe. You are alive. Hug yourself. Smile. 11 November 2024 8pm. Daniela |
Nora J. 12th November 2020 updated 2022 & 2024
Anne is sharing a series of events throughout the year - you can find them listed by clicking to the link Feast Days & Festivals