Spring Equinox
Brighter days are on the way! We are coming out of the days of darkness and into increasing day light.
and Autumn Equinox draw our attention to the rising and setting
position of the sun. From anywhere in the world, except the North
and South Pole, the sun will rise directly east and set directly
At the Poles there is only one sunrise and sunset a year, these happening at Equinox. At the North Pole the land has been in darkness all winter, but finally around this time the sun will reappear above the horizon and remain in the sky all summer until setting at the Autumn Equinox. At the South Pole the reverse occurs.
At one celebration Martin told us that:
Lus an chrom chin an Irish (and Scottish, I think) translation into golden headed lighted one, name for the flower.
To me the English language isn't poetic enough to describe it, photographed on the sun set of the vernal equinox at St. Patricks well, Tara.
We noted in 2009 that we are still in Imbolc and Spring Equinox is the mid point of that season where the days and nights are of equal length.
After winter Samhain it marks the time of year when fertility replaces barrenness.
We enter the male half of Imbolc where Patrick complements and balances Brigid.
Their integration brings the birth of the Bealtaine leanbh na Griann (Child of the sun... a golden child).
In 2008 at this time of balance we invoked a positive archetypal male energy, one that complemented and supported perfectly the Brigidine energy.
An energy that portrayed:
loyalty, fedility, protection, activism, stewardship, courage, honour, integrity, justice, even handedness, wisdom and responsibility.
Hence we turned over the Black Patrick to recognise the Golden Patrick.
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Harpist on Hill of Tara, St. Patrick's Day 17th March. Lift your vibration today so your body can hear the song of your soul and your mind is free. Bernadette. |
Spring is here and Light triumphs again. Peace and joy to all on earth. Rebirth and growth Mother Earth. Uranus is rising. I look forward to summer - Open your heart to all that is light - |
This poem was created by those present (in body and Spirit!)... Spring Equinox 2018 at Fourknocks. ![]() |
Spring (Vernal) Equinox is the mid-point of Imbolc when the sun all over the world rises east and sets exactly west. The underlying energies are of balance and equality. "Equinox" means "equal night" in Latin and this time of year is when there is equal light and dark in our days.
It is time for continued work and renewal of the intentions made at the start of Imbolc, to bring the seeds to sprout. We see the bud burst and the first flowers and the promise of Summer days. We see the lambs bounding around the Hill and mad March hares. We too recognise this vital energy stirring in us to carry us through our continued growth this year.
Pat shared these thoughts at Clogherhead in 2017...
In researching this special time of year we discovered that celebrations have been ongoing through all ages by all peoples of all beliefs and none. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists (and pre-Christians, Muslims, Jews & Buddhists), Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans, Native Americans, Celts, pre-Celts, Wiccans, Pagans and more ALL celebrate/celebrated the Spring Equinox.
All are acknowledging at this time the return of Light, Fertility and Hope to our lives. Men and women, animals and plants, even the Earth itself seems to rejoice in this wondrous time of renewal and rejuvenation. Equality through the ages, beliefs and species all right there.
Auroras love Equinoxes
At this time of year, cracks form in Earth's magnetic field. Even a weak stream of solar wind can penetrate to spark a good display. Researchers call it the Russell-McPherron effect. This photo was end of February 2023 flying home to Ireland.
Loughcrew - Ireland, Stiperstones - England
Although there are many different
versions of the stories about these two places they share similar
Loughcrew is high land with prominent hill summits orientated approximately east - west, near Oldcastle, Meath. The Stiperstones is also a high ridge (photograph of stones on the horizon) in Shropshire.
Aprons and Stones: read more about these connections on the blog page
At both the rocks are said to have fallen from the apron of a
mythical figure. At Loughcrew it is the old woman, the hag, Cailleach, goddess, who loosens her apron.
The Stiperstones legend has the added information that it was the Devil and he was travelling from Ireland across Britain (or the Devil organised six giantesses to do the work).
The Devil is said to sit on his chair
at the Stiperstones calling together all the unearthly spirits, on
the the night of winter solstice, when the King is chosen for the
following year.
Loughcrew is the legendary resting place of many High Kings of Ireland, the highest place (Cairn T) being the tomb of Ollamh Fodhla, a great king who created the Brehon Laws. Although the Annals of the Four Masters have him buried at Teltown (see Lughnasadh). Ollamh Fodhla's Seat, aka the Hag's Chair, is on the outer kerb of Cairn T.
White quartzite stones are scattered around the Loughcrew cairns - the hills are also known as Carnbane meaning white cairn. The Stiperstones are made of a unique type of quartzite. |
Hag's Chair / Ollamh Fodhla's Seat![]() |
Chris Corlett writing in Archaeology Ireland magazine in Autumn 2006 relates how, when visiting the Gossan Stones in Wicklow, he observed that they lay on a north - south axis with the V shaped valley of the Devil's Glen to the west. He says:
It is likely, therefore, that the setting sun formed part of the ceremonies associated with the viewing of the equinox rising sun at the Gossan Stones.
Each Equinox sunbeams enter the inner chamber illuminating symbolic rock art at Cairn T, Loughcrew.
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We can have snow in March... in 2018 we shared these signs that winter still held a grip...
Bird tracks in Derbyshire, England...![]() |
Human and Dog in Meath, Ireland...![]() |
Raccoon tracks in Canada...![]() |
and Coyote in Canada...![]() |
A Prayer of St. Patrick May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me. May Christ shield me today. Christ with me. Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left. Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand. Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Amen. |
St. Patrick's Statue on Hill of Tara. ![]() |
On Earth everyone's experience is different;
the northerners moving into summer, the southerners
moving into winter,
but wherever you are, have a wonderful turn of
the season.

Read more about Balance at this transition point of the annual cycle - one of the prime aspects of Equinox at this Blog - Balance
Sechseläuten - Burning Winter
In Switzerland, 3rd Monday in
April. people gather to burn Böögg - "Winter", often a paper snowman filled with fireworks.
The Sächsilüüte owes its name to a medieval custom. According to tradition, during the winter months, the working day had to be limited to the time when the daylight was available. A council decision in 1525, the closing time for work was moved from 5 pm to 6 pm every year after the March equinox.
A centuries-old annual tradition of the “Chrätzler-Bueben” Boys of the Kratzquartier, Zurich, involved the burning of several Bööggen taking
place coincidentally at the same time as the proclamation of the new working
The two traditions were first combined in 1892. The Böögg, once taking several forms as a dragon, even the God War Mars, comes from the Zurich dialect and means “clothed figure”.
At 6pm the closing evening bell is rung giving the name "Six-Sealmäu"- "six o'clock ringing".
Scoppio del Carro - Explosion of the Cart
Go to Florence, Italy, and help them achieve a good harvest and successful business dealings by joining the crowds. A 30-foot tall cart (in use for over 500 years), hauled by white oxen festooned with garlands of the first flowers and herbs of spring, filled with fireworks, is ignited by the archbishop. But he is at Mass in the Cathedral!
How can this be?
A wire, stretching to the high altar inside the cathedral, is fitted with a mechanical dove (the "colombina"). Shortly thereafter, at the singing of the Gloria in excelsis Deo during Easter Mass, the cardinal of Florence lights a fuse in the colombina with the Easter fire. It then speeds through the church to ignite the cart outside. During all of these stages, the bells of Giotto's campanile ring out. Wikipedia - Scoppio del Carro
Spring Equinox Themes and Places
Stories and thoughts on experiences and insights gained
Mardi Gras in Louisiana
A little-known fact is that there are actually two ‘genres’ of Mardi Gras in Louisiana (urban and rural), each with their own rites and rituals. February 21, 2023.
Vernal Equinox and Equilux - Aligned Sites
Equal night or equal day and night... two equalities explained. It’s said at Equinox you can balance an egg vertically on a flat surface. The truth is if you have patience and a steady hand then you can balance an egg on it's end any day of the year.
Balance as understood in Equinox Ceremonies
When your energy is flowing freely and balanced, your four basic selves, emotions, mind, body and spirit, are in unity.
Ideas and Inspiration
Ideas and Inspiration of ways to celebrate the festivals, individually and in a group
Eggs - activities & traditions
Pruchóg, Egg Balancing, Setting an Intention, Walking a Spiral, Manifesting, Decorating, Recycling, Rolling
Folklore for Spring
Cats, swallows, cuckoos, foretelling the weather, lambs