
Feast Days & Festivals

Bank holidays in Ireland

January 1st - New Years Day
March - Saint Patrick's Day

May - May Day
1st Monday, August - August Bank
December 25th - Christmas Day

1st Monday, February - Imbolc - St Brigid's Day
1st Monday, April - Easter Monday
1st Monday, June - June Bank
Last Monday, October - October Bank
December 26th - St Stephen's Day

Festivals, feast days, celebrations and traditions from Ireland and around the world. An on-going project for Anne Newman who shares these contributions that add value to our local Tara Celebrations experiences.

We do not seek to do what they did, we seek what they sought.

We are not repeating the gatherings of the past, but our ancestors sought to bring access to and awareness of contemporary seasonal energies and that is modus operandi now. Use of these historic processes is valuable but not necessarily to be followed to the letter.