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Note: Always refer to arrangements announced for each Celebration.

Autumn Equinox, when we reflect on the year past, continue laying down the supplies to see us through the winter, and slowly unwind from the summer's activities.

Click here for more insight and ideas - Autumn Equinox

Autumnal Feast

A chattering bird sings in the wild thistle bed,
seeking seeds in each white, downy head.

Strong beaked and bright eyed, this little bird,
that across the red fuschias I've often heard,

enjoys a feast, as it pulls and heaves,
at the spiky plants with razor sharp leaves.

Harvesting the bounty of autumnal earth,
filling its belly, swelling its girth,
laying down stores for winter's dearth.

In 2018 Bernadette Mac led a gathering at the Labyrinth at An Tobar, Ardbraccan... She reported:

What a funny thing happened at the Ceremony! I asked them all to bring the rays of the evening sun as a grounding - to see the rays come over their body, down the top of the head, all around and down to the souls/soles of their feet - feel mother earth grounding you. You will not believe what happened! Tara Mines let off dynamite just as I said 'feel the earth beneath your feet'. Well, talk about laughing. So you could say the Autumn Equinox went off with a bang.

Everything is of the source and everything contains the generative force, the underlying energy of existence.

Creation is the expression of the eternal flowing movement of this force, between the situations of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ and, as we recognised at an Equinox gathering in 2010, darkness and light, forward and reverse, silence and sound, highs and lows, potentials and realised powers, revulsion and redemption.

The balance place is between darkness and light, calm and chaos, where time is nothing and now is everything. What would beautiful music be without silence between the notes? Balance as understood in Equinox Ceremonies

Equinox ...

we move away from the summer's
freewheeling dominant
emotional and physical energies,
towards the mental and spiritual realms supported by the study and
introspection of winter.

Sun and Moon - Autumn Equinox

An ghealach i mí Mheán Fómhair - the moon in September

Time of the Harvest Moon, Corn Moon. Time of rainbows. The beginning of the month the moon is in Pisces.

Looking at where one is at on their journey and going deep within when the full moon is in Pisces, the fish, swimming in different directions and yet a great sense of balance.

As I spoke to some friends I became aware of their need to be alone and step back on this full moon including myself. With a strong feeling of HOPE. The energy around the full moon is different for everybody and we must respect each and everyone's space at this time. Names & Astrology, Energies & Influences - July to December

The Cosmic Web by Pat

I can’t speak for everyone, only myself.

My feelings, my emotions, my experiences, my thoughts are all unique to me.

My hopes, my dreams, my despair, my ecstasy, my gains, my losses are like no one else’s ever in the history of the universe, yet they are yours too because the Cosmic Web Connects all Beings, Things, Times, Places, Realities, Realms and Dimensions.

Genus Loci permission

'I thanked the directions and the place I was in. It was at this point I realised I had forgotten at the beginning to ask permission of the spirit of place to do something that would likely have an energetic imprint in their world. Basic energy manners, knock before you come in.

“I’m so sorry, I totally forgot. I recant everything I say or did that may have caused offence”.

But in the next breath I got the feeling of being embraced. I got the feeling that it was accepted and even welcomed by the genus loci.' 2020 - Goodbye Hello - Donabate