
Global Spiritual Wheel - Connect

Regular and Monday Meditations face-to-face are no longer held. However, every Monday at 8pm local time - 25 words to inspire and guide a meditation are posted online. 25 words archive

Note: Refer to arrangements announced for each Celebration.

Changes in life-style due to the Covid pandemic mean that folk hesitate to meet face to face in groups and thus not all celebrations are group gatherings.

Wherever we are within the universe we can all celebrate change and acknowledge this by witnessing the continual play between light and dark. We support each other in community and yet stay apart. We claim our freedom as individuals whilst acting for the highest good of all.

Pat has explained this perfectly:

For those tuning in at a distance a non-denominational, universal lattice of spiritual inter-connecting love.

The Cosmic Web Connects… All Beings. All Times. All Places. All Realms.

The Cosmic Web Connects… Every Body. Every Thing. Every Time. Every Place. Every Realm.

At a group get-together those present know they are joined by many others, known and unknown. Whether they are relatives, old friends, those we have never met, all are welcome.

Over the years we have suggested that people might like to light a candle as a way of joining in if they cannot attend 'in person', and we know many have done so.

Tuning in at a distance can be a rewarding experience, and those 'in person' always say they were aware of others, as well as the ancestors, guides and guardians.

Some send their stories of where they were, or what happened. If you have a photograph or some words to share of your experiences of a festival they are all very welcome.

At Lughnasadh 2019 we identified those joining in at a distance as a connection of folk and called them the Global Spiritual Wheel.

Bernadette shared her experience in 2021

My experience of Samhain was one of quiet and solitude at home by the fire with my cat Merlin, but I did notice, over the past 6 weeks or so even up to last night, my dreams at night. 2021 - Ancestors - Global Spiritual Wheel

And, of course, we are based in the Northern Hemisphere of earth. When the sun is low in the sky and rising in the south east, our winter time, those in the southern lands are basking in the hot days of the summer.

Thus, although we focus on the 'now' energies of our Western European festival we hope that around the globe, those in a different season can join in bringing their balance to complete the day.

We know from the analytics and visitor numbers on our website pages that there are many who do not announce their presence, who join in silently. They are all very welcome.

The list below gives a flavour of who joined in and sent stories, pictures, verse, sharing their experiences.

Samhain - 2020 - Stepping out of the Shadows into the Light - Tara / home: Navan - Co. Dublin - Eastern Ireland - Galway - North Carolina - Pacific North West - Nova Scotia - Iceland - Zurich - Derbyshire

Winter Solstice - 2019 - Celebrating the Simplicity & Splendour of Life - Tar : An Tobar - Derbyshire - Nova Scotia

Imbolc - 2021 - Exercising the Goddess Muscle, the Heart : many on the Wheel - Switzerland - Derbyshire

Spring Equinox - 2020 -Goodbye and Hello - Donabate : Galway - Derbyshire - Dublin - Donabate - Navan - Portmarnock

Bealtaine - 2020 - Mother Earth - Kilmurry & 'isolation pods' - Fingal - Navan - North Carolina - Lithuania - Zurich - Peak District - Galway

Summer Solstice - 2020 - Together-All One - Tara / Home - Meath - Edinbugh - Sligo - Peak District - Zurich - Galway

Lughnasadh - 2019 - Our Own Harvest Time - Ciaran's Well : Sligo - Derbyshire - Navan

Autumn Equinox - 2019 - Balance - Loughcrew : Navan - Pacific Northwest - Mayo - Trim