Taracelebrations.org is a website dedicated to the organisation and documentation of spiritual gatherings, particularly those focused on the seasonal and celestial events, such as solstices and equinoxes. It serves as a hub for a community of like-minded individuals who come together to celebrate these natural cycles, often in the context of Irish traditions and sacred sites. |
Detailed information on upcoming celebrations, including locations (often sacred sites in Ireland), dates, and activities. Archives of past celebrations with photos, reflections, and reports on the events. Collection of articles, links, and suggested readings related to Celtic spirituality, seasonal celebrations, and Irish mythology. |
Festival Dates for 2024 Celebrations
There have been many influences in Ireland, connecting to different aspects of the turning of the year. All are mainly based on the agrarian cycles, planting, growth and harvest, the life cycles of crops and animals.
Note: Refer to arrangements announced for each Celebration.
Imbolc - 1 February | Spring Equinox - 20 March 03:06 |
Bealtaine - 1 May | Summer Solstice - 20 June 21:50 IST |
Lughnasadh - 1 August | Autumn Equinox - 22 Sep 13:43 IST |
Samhain - 1 November | Winter Solstice - 21 Dec 09:20 |
However, for cross quarter days, some take the day as the mid-point between the adjacent solstice / equinox, eg. Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox with Imbolc in between. Thus we have the alternatives of 2024 ...
Imbolc - 4th February | Beltaine - 5th May |
Lughnasadh - 7th August | Samhain - 6th November. |
Previous Celebrations
Reports from 2007 to 2018 are available at our archived website - Archive Tara Celebrations
Free, non-profit, open, inclusive and non-denominational, drawing on all spiritual philosophies and traditions. Please read the comments here if you are interested in joining in - Tourists and Visitors Information and here - Commonly asked questions |
Who arranges celebrations?
Each Celebration event has a volunteer host, often aided and abetted by others, who calls the date, time and venue for the gathering and also the intention and focus, bringing to the fore the energies of the season.
The volunteer hosts over recent years include Danielle, Vivia, Zoey, Jean, Martin, Marta, Dana, Anne, Tom, Bernadette Mac, Susan, Bernadette C, John M, Pat, Nora J, Nora M. Others who felt the call to tune in and plan each celebration have included Anne B, Des, Eileen, John A, Mary, Mary O, Theresa, Yamann and many others, who join in body or in spirit. The website is maintained by Nora J.