
April to June

New Moon - Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr - Night of Power

One of the most important and sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. Laylatul Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan, where we take the opportunity to earn even more bountiful rewards for our good deeds.

Blackthorn Winter

The pure white of the blackthorn blossom, which appears before the leaves, matches the snow or hoar frost covering the fields nearby and almost invariably bitter north easterly winds.

1st April - April Fools' Day

oh! what fun! poisson d’Avril (France) or pesce d’Aprile (Italy) - April Fishing...

5th April - Saint Becan of Emlagh, the priest and the Devil... and bog butter

He founded a monastery on the River Brosna at Kilbeggan around the beginning of the 7th century.

14th April - St. Lydwina

Was her illness an early record of multiple sclerosis?

15th April - St Ruadhán's Day

Fair was the gem, Ruadhán, lamp of Lorrha.

23rd April - St George's Day

He killed the dragon and saved the princess.

25th April - St Maughold, patron saint of the Isle of Man

St. Patrick ordered him to abandon himself to God on the sea in a coracle padlocked onto a chain, the key being thrown into the River Boyne.

30th April - Walpurgis Night

Chase off the witches, change your winter black for a summer white cap, join a choir and sing, have a picnic.

The days of the Three Ice Men

The old proverb that warns not to plant until after the “Three Ice Men” have passed

Palm Sunday

In Finland it is popular for children to dress up as Easter witches. In 2020 there was a different challenge....

Holy Week

Spy Wednesday, Sheer Thursday, Sorrowful Friday, Clipping the Church and other traditions. And postings from 2020...

Easter and Hocktide

Egg Hunts, Egg Rolling and the Easter Bunny is banished for doing what Bunny's do best..... click here to read Anne's insights on this important festival

Ascension Thursday

Ascension Day is celebrated on a Thursday, 40 days after Easter Sunday

Taurus Full Moon - Wesak

Wesak Day celebrates the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Said to be a high point in the Spiritual year when forces of enlightenment flow from the higher worlds into the mind of humanity.


A cheesy weekend and a cursed day....

16th May - St. Brendan the Navigator

Patron saint of boatmen, mariners, sailors, travellers, and whales.

19th May - St Yves, patron saint of Brittany

A flour bin found empty was found filled when Yves himself went to examine it - it was a miracle - the man is now a Saint.

27th May - Saint Melangell

Brochwel Yscythrog, Prince of Powys was amazed to find a virgin of surpassing beauty, with the hare he had been pursuing under her robe, boldly facing the dogs...

29th May - Oak Apple Day

Anyone who failed to wear a sprig of oak risked being pelted with bird's eggs or thrashed with nettles.

3rd June - St Kevin of Glendalough

According to legend, anyone who can wrap their arms around St. Kevin's Cross at Glendalough will receive their wish.

9th June - St Colmcille

On 22nd August, 565, St Colmcille is said to have encountered the Loch Ness Monster....

27th June - Seven Sleepers

if it rains on Seven Sleeper’s Day, it will rain for the following seven weeks.

29th June - Feast of St. Peter and Paul

A pallium and obligations