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Note: Always refer to arrangements announced for each Celebration.

Bealtaine 2024 is a 'Connect' get together, supporting each other as we consciously listen for 7 days. This week takes us from Bealtaine - May Day Eve - to Dawn Chorus Day. RTE Dawn Chorus 5th May 2024

Bealtaine is often taken as 30 April to 1 May. However, as a cross quarter days, ie. not a solstice or equinox the date can be 5 May as the mid-point between the adjacent spring equinox and summer solstice. Thus we will be connecting to the Bealtaine energies over this period.

The suggestion is that from sunset Monday 30 April to sunset Sunday 5 May you pay attention to what you are listening to - intentionally attentive to the ambient sounds around you.

Each day you may like to :

Have a notebook handy to record what you have heard. The act of recording your thoughts, emotions, physical state and inspiration confirms and settles the experience. At the end of the week you might like to review what you have listened to.

Why birds? Why do I love listening to birds?

The thinking was that because birds stop singing when there are dangerous predators around, that birdsong means safety. That is, for our subconscious. Over thousands of years, this connection with safety has made people feel calm and at peace when they hear birdsong.Read more here about birdsong and why we enjoy listening to it.

Full moon on April 23rd or 24th 2024 insights from Bernadette Mac - read more here - Current Moon Celebration

The first card that was drawn from Caroline Myss's healing deck was:

The divine dwells within you, and desires that you heal. Are you fully aware of that presence? call upon the power of the divine to awaken its healing force within you. Be grateful for this miracle.

Which brings me to the picture on this card of a lady holding a seashell to her ear as if she were listening to the sounds within it. I remember doing this as a child - listening to the sound within the shell and how magical it felt.

Then I remembered it almost Bealtaine, just after the full moon, and we are asked to listen to the morning chorus and the sounds of nature.

As I write this I'm drawn to the sounds of children playing and the sounds of lawnmowers as the evenings now are so bright it fills the heart with joy, The smell of the cut grass and the crows in the distance and a neighbour who has many chimes in her back garden.

Oh yes, it feels so right to just be on this full pink moon and listen. Listen with the heart.

The Cosmic Web by Pat

I can’t speak for everyone, only myself.

My feelings, my emotions, my experiences, my thoughts are all unique to me.

My hopes, my dreams, my despair, my ecstasy, my gains, my losses are like no one else’s ever in the history of the universe, yet they are yours too because the Cosmic Web Connects all Beings, Things, Times, Places, Realities, Realms and Dimensions.

Genus Loci permission

'I thanked the directions and the place I was in. It was at this point I realised I had forgotten at the beginning to ask permission of the spirit of place to do something that would likely have an energetic imprint in their world. Basic energy manners, knock before you come in.

“I’m so sorry, I totally forgot. I recant everything I say or did that may have caused offence”.

But in the next breath I got the feeling of being embraced. I got the feeling that it was accepted and even welcomed by the genus loci.' 2020 - Goodbye Hello - Donabate