Solstice alignments
Solar Observatories
Our ancestors did it, we do it... watching the sunrise and sunset over a distant ridge on the horizon. A magical experience that excites our souls.
Observing the sun's cycles also has practical uses, marking the coming of summer or winter, informing when to plant and when to refrain from planting. Using observational data, researchers are studying more and more historic sites and monuments where it is clear that viewing sites are aligned with horizon markers, which function as indicators of such events as the first gleam of the sun at winter solstice sunrise.
Looking at the eastern horizon we notice that each day the sun rises in a different place, slowly moving up and down from the extremes of the solstices... ![]() | .... and at mid-day the sun is low in the sky at winter solstice moving to be high and above us in the summer.![]() |
Red Mountain, Staleen, Co. Meath
It is believed by some that the colour of the sunrise on Winter Solstice was the original inspiration for the name of the hill over which that sunrise occurs, when viewed from Newgrange. The hill is called Red Mountain.
Looking towards the far horizon see the blue haze of winter's humidity, and if you are lucky see the orange / red vitality of the low lying sun.
The base chakra is associated with the number 1, the colour red, birth and rebirth, starting, beginnings and baptism. Thus we are experiencing a rebirthing, bringing us from darkness to light.
Doorways as magical thresholds
read more at Winter Solstice 2020
Doorways are thresholds
and once we cross the threshold we enter a different space, a
different reality; be that from the kitchen to the hall or the nave
to the sanctuary. Our patron saint Brigid was born in a doorway at
dawn, a liminal time in a liminal place.
Is giorra cabhair Dé ná an doras. God's help is closer than the door.
Whilst out for a recent walk we noticed a strange alignment where the sun shone through some gaps in one rock to project glowing eyes on another.The first image reminds us that we may be focused on the stone whilst the second image reminds us to focus beyond the doorway that lets in the light to the source of light itself.
The glowing eyes also gave me the feeling that the earth or earth intelligence's watch what we do and that everything we do with intent is listened to. Certain results from our healing circle would seem to confirm this.
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Cowles Mountain, nr San Diego, California
One of the Canyoneer volunteers showed us where we would be looking when the sun rose and the show began: Pointing east he guided us to the prominent form of Lyon’s Peak, just to the right was another minor protrusion, then a small depression, and finally a nipple-like point sticking up. This last formation would bisect the sun when it rose, momentarily creating the effect of a dual-sun if you were standing in the right spot. - winter solstice Cowles mountain
Cowles Mountain had a Kumeyaay (Native American) Winter Solstice observatory site, a stone circle, now barely visible.
Anza Borrego, California
Another one connected to the Kumeyaay. They left their markings in the solstice cave. The ceiling of the rock shelter features an array of paintings, known as pictographs, that tell a story of the cave’s significance, providing a glimpse into the life of ancient California.
The views from the cave stretch all the way out to the Salton Sea on a clear day. With ample space to provide protection from the elements, the solstice cave has a sweeping view of the low lying Colorado Desert to the southeast — the general direction of the rising sun. more info at Evan - solstice cave anza borrego

The sun sets beyond the Old Man of Storr on the Trotternish peninsula of Skye, some fifteen minutes before its appointed time. On good weather days the great peaks of Skye are bathed in all the colours of a rainbow and the sea gathers the last rays of light. At other times, shafts and beams of pale gold may be sifted out of the darkest denim blues and plum-jam coloured sea. And on a clear day, all the hills reflect the heavens and seem to be made of glass, pure blue Murano glass.
Snow lies on the mountains and until the sun rises over Maol Ruadh, the low dark red-brown hill bordering our valley, they are all pink and purple and dusky rose. On the peaks of Torridon, after a few days of wintry showers, the drifts will be deep, the white dazzling.
To the Winter Solstice - Notes from a small croft by the sea - Annie O'Garra Worsley
Holed stone Sicily

A 5,000-year-old calendar rock discovered in Sicily sported a man-made hole through which the winter-solstice sun would shine. (Image credit: Giuseppe La Spina)
Featuring a 3.2-foot diameter hole, the rock formation marked the beginning of winter... The holed Neolithic rock was discovered Nov. 30, 2016 on a hill near a prehistoric necropolis six miles from Gela, on the southern coast of Sicily
Pelkosenniemi, Finland
Here a sundial aligns with the rising winter solstice sunrise.Photo source: A tour operator since 2003 providing private walking tours and audio guides with local experts Context - Winter solstice celebrations
Where does the sun set on the winter solstice at Stonehenge?
Archaeologists now firmly believe that it was the Winter Solstice Sunset that was the important time of year for the builders of Stonehenge, and this is in exactly the opposite direction to that of the Summer Solstice Sunrise. When viewed from the centre line of the Avenue, next to the Heel Stone, the Sun on the shortest day (around the 22nd December) would have been seen to set in the southwest between the uprights of the tallest Trilithon at Stonehenge.
Once again, in our era there are trees obscuring the horizon
beyond Stonehenge in that direction plus a metal bridge in the way
across the top of the Avenue. Stonehenge tours. com - Astronomical Alignments at Stonehenge
Boscawen-ûn and the Lamorna Gap
I started by considering if there were any alignments between the circle and features on the horizon. This meant that I needed to map out all the natural and man-made features which would have been found from the period of the stone circle. This was in itself quite a task.
The first and probably most primary of these is that an observer in the circle at 2500BCE would see the winter solstice sunrise rising from the Lamorna Gap. The Lamorna Gap at present is obscured by hedgerows, but without this vegetation would have been a subtle sea view at best. Archaeoastronomy - winter-solstice. A wonderful website.
Bonane, Co. Kerry
The western boundary of the cemetery with its highly important “Kink” together with the Bullaun Stone, form a perfect alignment with the Rising Sun at the Winter Solstice (mid-winter sunrise: 21st December). It has at been observed that on this date the shortest day of the year, the rising sun seems to “climb” up the side of a nearby mountain in a rolling fashion. The full disc becoming visible as it reaches the summit. This spectacle can be observed as you walk along the western boundary of the cemetery to the Bullaun Stone. Bonane heritage Solstice alignments & St Fiachna’s Cemetery
Another theory is that it is an astronomical observatory, the bullauns providing a map of the constellation Orion.
Fajada Butte, New Mexico
In 1977, a visiting artist named Anna Sofaer happened to be in the right place at the right time and witnessed what is now known as “The Sun Dagger”. At the southeastern face, near the top of the Butte, she found three heavy stone slabs arranged to allow a channel of light into a spot where there were petroglyphs.
Further observation of the site confirmed that on the solstices, a dagger of light was cast into this area to highlight a spiral. (One streak of light at summer solstice and two at winter solstice). Further affirmation of the importance of this site to the ancients is the evidence of remains of a 750 ft/ 230 m ramp on the southwestern face of the butte, indicating that tremendous effort was expended to make the site accessible. Researchers believe this to be proof that the site was important to the Anasazi for ceremonial purposes. Solstice
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