
2025 - In Your Own Time - Connect

... L posted this picture taken in the Peak District, Derbyshire, and it reminded that for this New Moon Bernadette mentions... We do this by forming a circle in our minds, or maybe setting up a space in our home, knowing deep in our hearts we are connecting on a soul level. Build up the healing energy by visualizing a golden light and being surrounded by your guides and angels holding you in this space for healing. Nice synchronicity. As above, so below?

St Brigid’s Day 2025

Hi Folks, Pat here from Ireland. (How very stereotypical of me!) Here's my tuppence worth for what it's worth...

So there was Brigid the Triple Goddess - a much revered and powerful Deity in ancient times. Then, as usual, along came the Christians who used local customs and beliefs to convert the natives to their religion. However, the Irish version of Christianity held on to many of the old ways and beliefs (& still does, I would argue, for example visiting Pagan wells after their Christian Mass even to this day often accompanied by a PRIEST!!) . This indigenous version of Christianity did not please Rome at all, so they sent in their guy to put manners on us.

Enter St Patrick, who using the Shamrock and some strong-arm tactics, set about showing us the error of our ways. (I can imagine him on the Hill of Tara - having disposed of a couple of Druids - waving a Shamrock at the crowd and explaining the "Holy Trinity"...

"See the way you guys have the tri-circles everywhere? Well we have the Trinity like this 'ere shamrock... it's all the SAME guys, c'mon, join our gang"...

is what he said, word for word.


There was an Abbess called Brigid who founded a monastery and was the boss over everyone there - both men and women. She was a Christian of some note and had many talents and leadership qualities, was kind and caring as well as strong, loyal, creative and forward thinking. However she fell down very badly on the one thing needed to qualify her as a Christian legend - she was a woman & as we all know , in the eyes of the Christian (& later Catholic) church, women just don't cut the mustard when it comes to all things religious, so she had to be got rid of. Such was her power though, those pesky Irelanders wouldn't let her go (rather like their Goddess Brigid previously), so the Church made her a Saint & assumed that would be the end of that.

So, as cloths are put out all over Ireland tonight, on the Eve of Brigid’s Day 2025, to be blessed by the healing Power of Brigid and used for the rest of the year to heal animals and humans alike and as I and many other Irish folk will celebrate the Energy of Brigid the Goddess and Saint tomorrow, I'm here to tell you that most certainly was NOT the end of that.

That is all, Happy Brigid’s day.

This year something has changed...

During lockdown, when we couldn't meet face to face, Connect events were created, providing a space to celebrate, and these continue. Now it seems that as well as moving out of specific space we are moving out of specific time frames.

Imbolc needs to be celebrated that's for sure, but in our own time, which will become obvious to each person as we connect over several days. Because we are more and more acting 'in the flow', 'in the moment' as ourselves, individually. NJ.

Bernadette visited Hill of Tara

Hi all, it is Sunday the 9th of Feb and I feel very much still in the energy of Imbloc as I see the buds on the trees and snowdrops and the odd dandelions.

It is great to see the spring again and to see the earth awaken once more... one of my favourite times of year. I kept it simple again this year with a sense of gratitude and had a lovely visit to the hill of Tara and with a nice lunch and walk. For me, I felt it was time to step out of the shell I built around me and get back out to meet people and places that heal the soul. Like many I've gotten used to isolating myself in the home and from places like Tara and an Tobar.

One of the things I've learned about this retreat is sometimes isolation on this case was a good thing. It was a time to heal, to get to know the self and wait for that feeling to come back and say its time now to get back out into the world and shine your light and it is that simple.

Shine your light without forcing it on another - a smile can light up a soul in the darkest corners. A kind word, even just walking by someone who is having a bad day with a spring in your step and cast a ray of healing and this is done in a moment without you even knowing it.In the new year, I decided to take my car off the road and walk or bus it everywhere. I am blessed and lucky I can do that as I live close to shops and the town shopping centre and love getting the bus on a wet day if need be.

Now this has taken me also out of the retreat energy and I am meeting old and making new friends. I guess what I am trying to say here is there is no perfect time to do this but on Imbolc and St Bridget, spreading the healing and being grateful for the bright evenings again. It is truly a new chapter in my life this springtime and this is my experience of Imbolc seeing the light. The sun on Tara last week coming through the trees as I went walking was a healing and uplifting moment for me. Bernadette Mac

Louise new lambs in Derbyshire

Warm enough to let them out to graze.

Marta's Orchids in Switzerland