The dandelion was known as St. Brigid's flower as it is one of the first wild flowers to bloom after her festival in February. Caiserarbhan in Irish, said to refer to the serrated leaves, it produces a milky sap enjoyed by young lambs.
Dandelions get a bad press .... they are good for your lawn! The long taproot draws up essential nutrients from deep in the soil and makes them available to other plants and the short rooted grass. It breaks up hard-packed soil, aerating the earth. Once it's job is done the enriched ground is not to it's liking and it will spread to another area to repeat the 'improvement' process. Maybe this is a reminder that we all have a skill of value, we need to embrace that skill as it contributes to the well being of our environment, other beings and the earth.
'Gateway' twin flames of Bealtaine, 2013, black and white feathers of balance, hoop with swan feather of dreaming, bleeding heart flowers, cleaver and dandelion - cleansing, lavender for sweetness, rosemary - remembering.
Give me the wisdom of the dandelions who sleep in my garden at night, blossom during the day, grow, flower, die and are reborn by spreading their wind-borne seeds far and wide to start the cycle again. Oh great healing dandelions, share with me the secrets of the earth. Pat - Bealtaine 2022 Set Aside.
Quote from ww.petalrepublic.com - dandelion-flower-symbolism which I thought to use as a visualisation in meditation.
The seed heads are commonly picked and blown to make a wish, spreading the seeds at the same time. This has given the flower a strong association with hope and optimism.
Dandelion, Full Moon, Life and Death:
Death is a part of life. I noticed while out walking, where the daffodils were in full bloom were gone but in their place were dandelions. Nature has a beautiful way of showing us the circle of life and death. So on the full moon ask yourself some questions and again, these are just suggestions or maybe you would like to write your own on this full moon tonight.
What in my life do I need to let go of?
What belief system holding me back from moving forward?
How can I change this?
Using the energy of the light on the full moon, all the time, to pour light on each intention you want to let go of and trust.
Just like the dandelions replaced the daffodil is a good way of seeing that in order to bring about something new we must let go of the old and make room in our heart.
Sun, Moon and Stars symbolism:
The dandelion flower has three distinct phases and one option is that the bud resembles the moon, yellow flower the sun, and dispersing seeds the stars.
Something that I think is so beautiful to watch is a dandelion will open up and greet the sun and at night when the Moon comes out she closes in to go to sleep. There is so much we can learn not only from the sun, the moon and the stars, but from the the seeds with plants in a garden and the wildflowers especially.