Celebrating Landforms - places and notes

Each place has a unique quality and energy and it will always be surrounded by local legends and folklore.
Depending on our cultural background, on our own experience and whether we operate from our emotional, physical or mental body we have different ways of noticing the Sense of Space, Spirit of Place and / or Genus Loci. Thus, as humans, we watch and listen, restrict the babbling mind's thoughts, are ready for whatever magic a place is willing to share. Most of us acknowledge that different places have different effects and there is often a need to respond to whatever it is we are 'picking up' on.
We all have our favourite places in sacred space where we connect effectively. We each visit, and we each have a different story of that visit. There is no right thing to be done, all paths are valid, work with what and where is right for you.
Beach, shore, strand
Bettystown, Clogherhead and Donabate labyrinths on the beach, smell & sounds of the seaside, breathing & listening meditation, horses, seaweed, salt, games.
Man-made caves, natural rock fissures, caves formed by underground water, healing caves, tourist attractions, caves dug out by miners, homes for troglodytes, stores for cheese and wine.... so many different forms and uses.
Mountains, Cliffs, Edges and Notches
Our ancestors did it, we do it... watching the sunrise and sunset over a distant ridge on the horizon. A magical experience that excites our souls.
Aprons and Stones
The Devil, the Hag, dropping stones from an apron across Ireland and the UK, with a Spanish connection.
Genus Loci
Blogs connecting to aspects of Genus Loci which, as Nathascha says re Kynance, is so incredibly beautiful an experience.
Mandalas in the Landscape
For me, being outside, absorbing nature makes my soul sing, connecting with the ancestors and a heightened sense of place.
Magic of the Land
Starting with Glen Coe and a white rainbow, visit Bettystown Beach, a Labyrinth and other inspiring places.