Feet close together, hands by side, bring right arm up in front of you in front of your face, gazing at palm, as if looking in a mirror. Bring arm around to right hand side, always looking at palm, bring palm back down in front of your face and in the meantime, left arm is coming up to cross over right arm – so now you are gazing at left palm and your head will be facing over your left shoulder.
I asked if the earth had a message...
"Is there anything you want to share?"
"Why?" She replied. "I am here, is that not enough?"
North | Mature age | Magician - Elder |
Fulfillment | Mystical - spiritual realms | Stability |
Mature tree | Walking animal - stay close to ground | Clarity |
Deep inner reflection, thinking, | ending, withdraw, retreat, regroup, winter | Receive reward for work well done |
Sloping Trenches, Hill of Tara
Walking along the path each step is
new, different, as my foot touches a detail of earth.
Here it is solid, dry... here it is slippery, muddy...
here it is steep, rising... here it is steep, descending...
here it holds a puddle
which I need to pass around.
So many fragments of experience.
Rambling through the lifetime pilgrimage earth reveals a path and
I celebrate it's diversity.
Drombeg, Glandore, Cork
"The earth was breathing, we were breathing. Breathing life in wild lands." quote from 2020 Alignment on Hope celebration at Tara
Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, sees the Earth as a living, breathing being, an intelligent entity.
The land rings like a bell and this vibration, of many different
frequencies, a subtle energy, is what we feel at many ancient sites. It
forms into patterns, spirals, flows.
Possibly the megalithic people knew something that we don’t - something to do with energy flows. At Drombeg Stone Circle in Cork, they aligned the stones to sunset Winter Solstice.
Earth Celebration
This can be done in the physical realms or as a thought intention....
Identify what symbolises earth for you - a plant, a part of your garden / window box, viewpoint, nearby landmark
Arrange a centre of symbolic earth items
Welcome to the energies of the east - sunrise - Air
Welcome to the energies of the south - mid-day - Fire
Welcome to the energies of the west - sunset - Water
Welcome to the energies of the north - night - Earth
Go to your symbolic earth place
I watch the earth and the earth watches me...
My intention...
That we live in harmony.
Return to your centre and close the circle
Gratitude and blesssings to the energies of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
and may these radiate out into eternity.
It is done.
Roots Meditation
To begin, settle into a comfortable meditative position. Calm your body and your mind by focusing on your breath, gradually lengthening the inhales and exhales.
Focus on the base of your spine, and imagine roots extending from this base, deep into the earth.
Allow the image to fill out as a single root branches into many.
Appreciate the complexity of your roots, the vastness of the network tethering you to, and making you one, with the Earth.
Imagine your roots intertwining with everyone else. You can distinguish your own roots from those of other people and even your own relatives. But you recognise that you are supporting and being supported by their presence near to you.
Set the intention to receive via your roots the information that is correct and good for you at this time, then allow the experience to unfold.
Maintain gentle awareness of the root network, and allow any thoughts and sensations to arise. You might see images, hear words, have thoughts pop into your head, seemingly out of nowhere. Allow the information to flow into you.
Take three deep breaths.
Sit for a moment in peace. Reconnect to your roots, and know that you are whole, complete and revitalised.
Give thanks as feels appropriate to you, and return your awareness to the here and now.