East | Birth | Lover |
Potential | Ideas - mental realms | Dependence, impulse |
Seed | Flying bird - rise high and view from above | Simplicity |
Initiate, start, Insight, | resourcefulness, spring | Identify need |
I asked if the air had a message...
"Is there anything you want to share?"
"Breathe" whispered air. "Feel me touching you. Then you will know me."
Wind Forecasting
Northern Hemisphere -stand with wind at your back.
If the clouds are moving left to right the
weather is going to get worse.
If clouds are moving right to left the
weather is going to get better.
And if the clouds are stationary or moving towards you / away from you then it stays the same.
Southern Hemisphere - the opposite of the above.
Dagda and the Harp first used Autumn Equinox 21 September 2015 |
Narrator: Irish lore is full of stories that have fantastical people and magical semi divine beings who are put into situations that require innovative solutions to proceed while observing certain prohibitions’ or “geassaí”.
Tonight's meditation on choices is rooted in the tales of Dagda, the good god and his magical Harp.
Dagda: I am the Dagda. Betroth of Danu, father of Brigit, wise and beneficent leader of the Tuath de Danann. I live in Brú na Bóinne.
Harp: I am the beautiful jewel encrusted oak harp of Dagda. I am the voice of the people of this sacred land and also their symbol. I am the voice of the sovereign self. I sing only truth.
Dagda.: Tell our guests what else you can do
Harp: I restore to life and heal. I place the seasons in their right order.
Dagda: Perhaps a demonstration of your power of attack for our guests. Let them feel the disarming power of Sadness
Harp: Let the music evoke our own shadow self, sabotage, failure, destruction, inactivity, asleep, apathetic, indifferent, sadness. Of this, what did you come here tonight with?....................
Dagda. I am divine, as are our esteemed guests and even I am depressed. Please forgive me for using my divinity in this way. I am apologise. I didn’t realise the effect I was having in my world. I thank you for this opportunity to become more aware, I love you from the bottom of all my hearts, I bless you from the depth of my divine essence. Harp, perhaps something lighter?
Harp: Let the music evoke our own shadow self, Sleep, laziness, apathy, indifference. In what way are you sleep walking? Of this, what did you come here tonight with?....................
Dagda. Harp, show them your creative power in a more positive light. Let our esteemed guests sample some joy, optimism, gladness and laughter.
Harp: Let the music wash over you and manifest joy for each of our esteemed guests. Let them embody this quality, bring it into this group and take home this power with them. The more joy they take the more they get.
AUM also known as OM... | sound of the universe... union of mind, body and spirit... first sound of creation... |
Air Celebration
This can be done in the physical realms or as a thought intention....
Identify what symbolises air for you - a cloud, a leaf falling, a tree branch swaying, smoke wafting.
Arrange a centre of symbolic air items
Welcome to the energies of the east - sunrise - Air
Welcome to the energies of the south - mid-day - Fire
Welcome to the energies of the west - sunset - Water
Welcome to the energies of the north - night - Earth
Put out your hands and gently move them through the air around you
Air is invisible. We only know it's movement and physicality by observing what it affects.
I watch the air and the air watches me...
My intention... That we live in harmony.
Sound the Om / Aum
Sound the A at the back of your throat as an 'awe'.
Move the sound forward into your mouth sounding U as 'ooo'.
Moving to the front of your mouth sound an M as 'mmmmmm'.
Now remain in silence.
Return to your centre and close the circle
Gratitude and blesssings to the energies of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
and may these radiate out into eternity.
It is done.
Air Meditation
To begin, settle into a comfortable meditative position. Calm your body and your mind by focusing on your breath, gradually lengthening the inhales and exhales.
Imagine you are resting beside a fire of burning wood.
Maintain gentle awareness of the seen and unseen. Keep focussing on your breath, inhaling and exhaling.
As you meditate on the air element the wind purrs, laughs, whistles, chatters and is silent, quiet, murmurs and is in harmony with all.
When you are ready, envisage facing outwards, sharing loving kindness with the world. You hear the sound of plane engines as they join the wind and carry the messages of health, happiness and peace.
Take three deep breaths.
Sit for a moment in peace. Reconnect to your body, and know that you are whole, complete and revitalised.
Give thanks as feels appropriate to you, and return your awareness to the here and now.
Air Meditation
As soon as we call to mind the air element within the body — the air in our lungs and other body cavities, even the gases dissolved in our blood — we’re immediately aware of the breathing, aware that air is flowing rhythmically in and out of the body.
So almost simultaneously we recall the Air element outside of us — the air surrounding us and touching the skin in this very moment, the winds and clouds and breezes that we see and hear moving branches and grasses.
We’re taking in and giving out this element right now. Right now the Air element is entering and leaving the body as we breathe in and out. Right now, air is entering, oxygen is dissolving in the bloodstream, being taken to cells to provide energy, and carbon dioxide is being exhaled.
There’s no boundary between inner Air and outer Air. There is only one Air element, and what’s within us is simply borrowed for a few moments. We can’t hold onto the Air element any more than we can hold onto any of the others. In fact we can only live by letting go, never by holding on. To hold on is to die. And so we reflect that the Air element, like the other physical elements, is not me, not mine, that I am not this.
We sense in a very immediate way the impermanent, transient nature of the body. We have a heightened appreciation that what we normally assume to be a relatively fixed and solid physical form is actually a dynamic process. Watching the elements flow through this body is rather akin to sitting by a river. We can watch the water pass “my” stretch of the riverbank, and I say “that’s me, that’s me,” but in every moment of claiming, of grasping, what I’m trying to cling to flows inexorably past. Clinging is futile, and painful. Letting go is to recognize how things are.
There’s a sense of curiosity, wonder, and openness. The world is more alive. I’m less attached to my physical form, and my sense of identification has expanded outwards; everything that has ever passed through my body — the solid matter, air, water, and energy — is now “out there” in the form of fields, clouds, forests, and soil. In a way those things are me. And because this very body is made of these same things, I am them. Having this direct sense of inter-connectedness is enlivening and empowering. I’m no longer separate and small, but an intimate part of the vast cycle of the elements.
So sit now and bring your attention to your breath. Be aware of the rhythm of your breath. And be aware of the air out there. And let it all be. When ready return to the room. Feel your feet touching the floor and your body is awake to all it's potential.