

We look up to the sun, moon and stars and endless blue.

I am the home of those that fly, those that glide and soar, all beings of the air. I am the space of the floating clouds.

I am the direction of the Cosmos. I am the direction of the unknown, where the Universe is born, transforms and is reborn in an eternal cycle of life.

The mystery and complexity of creation inspires us. The Divine source, legendary gods, goddesses, angels and cherubs reside here.

This is the direction where we learn we are all connected. This is the direction of wisdom.

Weather Lore

People can forecast the weather by observing the sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, rainbow.

If the sun shines very brightly early in the morning, in broken weather, it is the sign of rain in the near future and, if it goes down weakly, it is also a sign that rain is near at hand.

A circle round the moon, a number of stars in the sky coming and disappearing suddenly, are the sign of rain also if these stars are plentiful in the sky it is the sign of rain in the near future.

A bright moon with a lot of stars is almost always followed by a fine day; but if the moon is dull and the stars are covered with mist rain is not far off.

If the clouds gather in one place it is the sign of rainy weather.

An old proverb says "A rainbow in the morning is a sailor's warning, a rainbow at night is a sailor's delight".

Duchas Schools Collection

Boats sail on the rivers,
and ships sail on the seas,
But clouds that sail across the sky,
are prettier far than these.
Why are clouds like coachmen?

Because they both hold the reins (rains).